“It is intolerance, in all its forms; the illusion of separation.
In some ways, the path is more clear. We see how it is now.
This is a time for deep reflection, silence, prayer, and withdrawal.
Then, come back with clear eyes and brave hearts to do the work at hand. Seasons come and go. Empires rise and fall. We are asked to bear witness and to act in accordance with love, no matter the risk.”
~ Author unknown
Download video transcript of this interview (PDF).
Listen to Winder’s Radio call with Dr. Norm Shealy, host of Wellness Wednesday on Kick 92.3 FM below or download the transcript (pdf).
“Pure Body zeolites are the only detox program I use and the only one I recommend.” ~ Dr. Norm Shealy, world renowned Holistic MD

- According to American Cancer Society, around 90% of breast cancer cases are likely caused by lifestyle and environmental factors. Read studies.
From: BioMed Central, Environmental Health Journal: State of the evidence 2017: an update on the connection between breast cancer and the environment.
“In this review, we examine the continually expanding and increasingly compelling data linking radiation and various chemicals in our environment to the current high incidence of breast cancer”. - There is increasing recognition among medical professionals that toxins from numerous sources are adversely impacting our health and quality of life. Read Zeolite Paper. Read NIH Study. Read article.
- And the problems begin before birth as toxicity is routinely found in the umbilical cord blood of newborns. This can lead to issues early in life. Read studies.
- According to The Environmental Working Group (EWG), many ingredients allowed in the United States in our personal care items (especially many in make-up), are dangerous and should be banned here as they are in Europe. Read recent news.
- Weakened / compromised immunity
- Brain fog (including clarity & focus issues)
- Memory loss
- Dementia
- Weight gain / impaired ability to lose fat
- Heart disease
- Cancer
- Neurological disorders
- Disruptions of our hormonal, reproductive, endocrine, & circulatory systems
- Sleep / energy / quality-of-life issues like mood, outlook, depression
- Household cleaners
- Personal Care items // make-up
- Air // Food // Water
- 80,000 + industrial & commercial chemicals now in use
- Amalgam (mercury) fillings
- Mercury and aluminum preservatives routinely found in injections
- Lead in aviation gas, old paint, water pipes, etc
- Cadmium & other heavy metals in treated wood
- Heavy metals as air pollution from industrial processes & electricity production
- EMF’s from power lines, computers, cell phones, wi-fi, 5G, etc.
- Asbestos from old water / sewage pipes & from building materials – read science
- Insecticides, pesticides, herbicides
DETOX Your Digestive System
I started my health food store over 50 years ago in what was then the sleepy city of Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Natural foods were considered a vague wish of hippies and other malcontents. Since, there has been a lot of change in the world, huh? Which includes the natural foods marketplace.
Fiber products, tho, basically never changed much. It was whatever fiber product you wanted as long as it was psyllium, whole or husks please? Fiber as a category was about as exciting as a cold bran muffin. And for the masses there was Metamusil, psyllium fiber gunked up with sugar. Eventually some products showed up with both soluble and insoluble fiber. But that was about it.
Now comes Touchstone’s revolutionary new product, “Super Organic Fiber”.
It is better in every way: taste, mouth feel, enzymes (digestability), both kinds of fiber, probiotics, and all organic! No psyllium! (none of that gritty substance that dehydrates you unless you drink copious amounts of water.) Basically everybody benefits from adding fiber to their diets (unless you eat nothing but carrots).
So I’ve been overweight, I just retired, and I want to take care of my heart. I decided to lose weight, and the best product I have found to help with this process is Touchstone’s “Super Organic Fiber”.
How come this product is the best to me?
First, Enjoyment. Second, efficacy. Third, let’s go back to enjoyment – it tastes great and it doesn’t turn into a thick slimy mucilaginous sludge. You can take your time drinking with only a shake or a stir. It definitely aids and abets weight loss. I am now down 14 lbs. in 4 weeks and going for a lot more. I will succeed in part because I have a pleasure substitute that I love to do. It’s never a chore.
Fiber fills you up, cleanses the body, helps balance blood sugar, helps you do you know what, and diminishes the heart’s burdens in a variety of ways.
Try some.
Paul Burlingame, Kittery, ME